Thursday, April 14, 2011


Not much going on that I can actually post about, because this book is not published yet, but boy has it been a learning experience.

I found out, after experimenting with the 'Flats' technique as seen on Sam Bosma's blog, that I actually fare much better (faster) using the "color sloppily so you can't possibly miss any spots" and "go over the overlap later" technique. It's a skill.

This is actually an in progress picture from an illustration for said book. Well, part of an illustration.

On another note, I absolutely do not know how I want to stylize water. Notice the white space between the trees. That's me worriedly going "Uuuuuhhhhhh...."

Really though, how do people who stylize so heavily render water?

I guess it's time to consult The Google.

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